Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The True/False Takeover: Finishing the WHAT T/F Feature Design

[CRITIQUE]: True/False Feature Design for Vox Magazine
The design for the 10-page True/False feature evolved from a retro space theme into a much more conceptual theme about the True/False Film Fest's invasion on Columbia. The text consisted of several individual pieces on varying aspects of the festival and a guide to take you through it. The theme for the feature was "What T/F," covering the who, what, when, where, why and how of the fest. My co-designer Allison and I worked to make this feature theme come to life with a strong, compelling visual theme, so we decided that the visual elements would give the text a somewhat retro comic, space theme to make this invasion concept come to life. The combination of font choices, color palette and illustrations created a style of design that was not only appropriate for Vox readers, but was a perfect fit for the quirky, hipster-like vibe of the festival.
Tackling such a large feature with so many separate stories and story elements was certainly a challenge for the two of us. It was clear that we needed to use our visual theme in a way that would also successfully carry out the feature's "What T/F" theme. We eventually found visual elements to take from the splash page (pictured above) to apply to each of the feature pages to create a consistent visual package. I think the elements used like the comic-like headline treatment and the color palette used throughout helped to make this a successful package.


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